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Ken Blake Ken Blake is offline
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Default Sushi Ten in Tucson, AZ has been sold



Ken Blake
Please reply to the newsgroup

> Ken Blake wrote:
>>> New owners, all new personnel.

>> When did this happen? I haven't been there in a while.

> --- I've not been around Tucson all that much of late, but they seemed
> to have been training a lot of new people there for a month or two,
> but when I was in there Tuesday that was the first time all the old
> people were all gone, including the good old head chef. I need to
> ask them where he went.
>> Who are the new owners? Is it now related to any of the other places
>> in town, or are the new owners independent?

> --- I don't know.
>> Are the slices of fish still gigantic?

> --- No.
>> --
>> Ken Blake
>> Please reply to the newsgroup
>>> Ordered chirashi today, and saw the (new) chef slicing up CUCUMBER -
>>> the stuff that the worst of the sushi dives use as filler instead of
>>> fish - and I thought that's it for S10 - but there was a lot of good
>>> fresh fish, too, and some new stuff, too - one item I couldn't ID,
>>> so I asked. It was little scallops with tiny roe on it. They are
>>> friendly! Because I asked, the chef gave me a big bowl of 'em! I
>>> also asked if they're gonna have fresh wasabi. Nope. Very few
>>> places have that, he said, and he deemed it way too much trouble to
>>> grate, and hard to get and expensive, too.

> --- But, I might add, he offered to special order it for me.
> Also, they added a bigger glop
>>> of uni than the old S10 chef did, so...