Take this Freedom Fries: Iran Renames Danish Pastries
Dave Smith wrote:
>Nancy1 wrote:
>>>TEHRAN, Iran - Iranians love Danish pastries, but when they look for
>>>the flaky dessert at the bakery they now have to ask for "Roses of the
>>>Prophet Muhammad..."
>>> Jihadi in the Cartoon Intifada
>>So, it's not o.k. to portray Muhammad with a bomb on his turban, but it
>>IS o.k. to have him endorse flaky pastry. Hmmmmm.
>I thought it was pretty goofy when Merkins started called fries Freedom Fries.
>I bought some Danish beer the other day. I intend to buy some Danish Cookies
>and some Danish Blue Cheese when I go shopping today.
>The other day I was on my way to an appointment and had to stop for some gas. I
>went to the new self serve station around the corner from my doctor's office.
>When I went in to pay I discovered that it is run by Moslems. I won't be
>taking any more business there.
Really, I thought better of you than that. Being a curmudgeon is one
thing, but bigotry is something else altogether.
Tell me you're joking, please...