"elaine" > wrote in message news:4059f8c7_3@aeinews....
> Got one years ago for a gift but rarely use as everything sticks to it.
> Most of the time my aluminum pot works ok instead - sometimes awkward
> though. I'm considering buying another wok. A friend suggested getting
> electric one. I did a google search, but reviews weren't very good. Is
> there really an advantage to having a wok? I don't need another kitchen
> item that's just going to take up space.
> If anyone has recommendations, brands, etc. I'd appreciate hearing them.
> Thanks.
> Elaine
An electric wok is a complete waste of space and money as:
- it cannot be cranked up/down quickly enough
- it does not have the heating capacity required.
A high speed gas burner, a standard wok and the knowledge of how to use it
is the best combination. If you use it correctly food will not stick to a
bog standard cheap mild-steel wok, the brand is irrelevant. Sadly I cannot
assist very much in the technique remotely but I assure you that it can be
If you don't have a high speed gas burner don't worry about a wok but use
heavy base frying pans of your preference instead, you will not get the same
result but you will suffer less frustration trying to do the impossible.