Take this Freedom Fries: Iran Renames Danish Pastries
Old Mother Ashby wrote:
> Dave Smith wrote:
> >Nancy1 wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >>>TEHRAN, Iran - Iranians love Danish pastries, but when they look for
> >>>the flaky dessert at the bakery they now have to ask for "Roses of the
> >>>Prophet Muhammad..."
> >>>
> >>><http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060216/ap_on_re_mi_ea/iran_danish_pastries>
> >>>
> >>>-bwg
> >>> Jihadi in the Cartoon Intifada
> >>>
> >>>
> >>So, it's not o.k. to portray Muhammad with a bomb on his turban, but it
> >>IS o.k. to have him endorse flaky pastry. Hmmmmm.
> >>
> >>
> >
> >I thought it was pretty goofy when Merkins started called fries Freedom Fries.
> >
> >I bought some Danish beer the other day. I intend to buy some Danish Cookies
> >and some Danish Blue Cheese when I go shopping today.
> >
> >The other day I was on my way to an appointment and had to stop for some gas. I
> >went to the new self serve station around the corner from my doctor's office.
> >When I went in to pay I discovered that it is run by Moslems. I won't be
> >taking any more business there.
> >
> >
> >
> Really, I thought better of you than that. Being a curmudgeon is one
> thing, but bigotry is something else altogether.
Nothing "bigoted" about it, he can choose to patronise any business he
wants...this ain't communism.
> Tell me you're joking, please...
Why would you think he is "joking"? Have you read his posts about the
Danes who saved his father's life during WWII?
[ I bought some MORE Danish blue and Tuborg and Danish butter cookies
today...this weekend I am going to visit a Scandinavian store here in
Chicago to see if they have some little Danish flag lapel pins or
baseball caps or some such that I can wear to show solidarity with the
Danes. It's very important to me that we support Denmark...maybe I'll
even cruise into some Muslim - owned business wearing my Danish regalia
to give the stoopid pukes a little "jolt", heehee...]
I choose not to do business with Muslims either. I'm homosexual and
they believe (literally) that *** people should be put to death. I
AIN'T havin' it...least I can do is take my bidness elsewhere if I at
all can...
I won't even get into taxicabs that have obvious Muslim drivers. Once
in hospital a Muslim doctor (female) was assigned to me. I demanded
another doctor (made a real STINK in fact) - and I GOT a non - Muslim
[And don't anyone give me any guff about "moderate" Muslims, there is
no such animal...]
I do my best to patronise companies that are *** - friendly/inclusive.
Frex even though the Cracker Barrel chain has rescinded it's notorious
anti - *** personnel policies, you couldn't force me to eat there if I
was starving. The whole Cracker Barrel contretemps a few years ago
just left too much of a bitter taste in my mouth for me to ever
consider giving those ignernt rednecks one thin DIME of my business...