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OmManiPadmeOmelet[_1_] OmManiPadmeOmelet[_1_] is offline
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Default Protein grams and portion control??? Pastorio?

In article .com>,
"Food Snob" > wrote:

> OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
> > Need some help here, if you are trying to estimate protein grams and
> > calorie counts for dietary restriction, do you weigh the meat raw or
> > cooked?
> >
> > What do you do about bone-in chicken and meat weight estimates?
> >
> > I'm grilling some chicken drumsticks, what is the meat weight versus the
> > bone weight?
> >
> > I know I can just de-bone the cooked meat and weigh it by itself... ;-)
> > I'll have to wait until they cool enough to do that.
> >
> > But the first question still remains!

> You shouln't concern yourself with protein grams.
> Count carb calories.

That's not how PSMF is done.
You don't count calories, you cound protein grams and avoid starch/sugar
carbs totall.

Total calories come well below 1,000 Kc per day.

It's not called a "crash diet" for nothing. ;-)
I'd suggest you read the book I posted.

> If you must, count fat calories too, but mostly it's carbs. You know
> that already. The shit that makes us fat isn't protein. We are fat
> because we are sloppy with carbs, and we eat too much in general.
> The problem is not the drumsticks, but the side-dishes we can't help
> ourselves from eating with them. Again, you know that. Nobody ever
> got fat from chicken and salad greens. I'm half writing this to
> myself.

Well, I've been eating only meat, and pigging out on celery.
With the meat has gone only 1 can per day of low sodium spinach or
string beans.

> Better than thinking about calories, think about reducing ravenous
> hunger. The only way to do that is low carb, high fat and lots of
> veggies.

You are preaching to the choir dear. I've been studying and attempting
low carb for about 5 years. The problem is sometimes just craving the
wrong foods, and the fact that for some screwball reason, your body
becomes resistant to low carbing after a few months! Some starchy carbs
are required at intervals to maintain a normal metabolism.

> That's the truth, and those of us who are overweight, and
> really want to lose just need to think, "Starches and sugars, bad, and
> greens, meat and nuts, good."
> Enjoy your chicken. Eliminate the bread, tortillas, potatoes, pastas.
> Carbs make you hungry.

I know.

> >
> > Thanks!
> > --
> > Peace, Om.
> >
> > "My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack
> > Nicholson


Peace, Om.

"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson