OT (kind of): Flax seeds for dog treats?
In article >,
Mark Thorson > wrote:
> zxcvbob wrote:
> >
> > How much ground flax seed would be good in *my* diet?
> Zero. Same for the dog.
> Quoting from _Vegetable_Fats_and_Oils_ (2nd ed.) by
> George S. Jamieson, American Chemical Society Monograph
> Series Number 58, page 266:
> "It should be observed that flax seed as well as the
> press cake contain a cyanogenetic glucoside known as
> Linamarin. The cake, however, from "hot pressing,"
> is innocuous to cattle. The heat apparently prevents
> the action of an enzyme in the seed upon the glucoside
> and stops the evolution of hydrocyanic acid from the cake
> in the presence of moisture."
English please???
Flax is a good alternative source of EFA's for those of us that can NOT
tolerate fish oil capsules! Those things make me nauseous for hours.
I have Flax seed oil gel caps that I use...
I've been told tho' by holistic practitioners that fresh GROUND flax
seeds are superior.
If you don't crush them, they are pretty much worthless. Recommendation
for an adult human is 1 tbs. per day.
If the average human is 150 lbs., calculate that WAY down for the dog.
I give my dogs grape seed oil instead, or Evening Primrose Oil for pain.
My beloved border collie sprained her back leg a couple of days ago. :-(
Hurts to see her in pain that way, so I've been keeping her inside.
Glucosamine sulfate WITHOUT Chondroitin (dogs cannot digest that stuff!)
at 2 grams per day for a 45 lb. dog, and 1 gram of EPO has helped her
immensely! She's back to fence chasing today with minimal limping. I'll
treat her for 1 week after she recovers.
Peace, Om.
"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson