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Dee Randall Dee Randall is offline
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Default Bare foot Contessa Recipes

"sf" > wrote in message
> On Sat, 18 Feb 2006 17:55:15 -0500, Dee Randall wrote:
>> On her last "Bash" program, Giada did chew and swallow. At least 3
>> times.
>> DH confirms this.

> DH was looking at her "neckline". She's gotten very sly these days.
> I watched a show recently where the uninformed would have concluded
> that she managed to choke it down... but I could tell she was waiting
> for the camera to cut away so she could spit it out. LOLOL
> People who have raised children "know" what to look for.

Do you mean looking at her "neckline" where she swallows, or a little lower
down? heh heh!

I'm always looking to see if she swallows before the camera cuts away, but
by golly, I think she did this time -- perhaps it was because it was
chocolate -- and maybe she didn't spit it out -- just got rid of it some
other way? I've heard of this kind of good-riddance to food. I hope she
isn't doing this because she's such a friendly hi-energy gal.
Dee Dee