Old Mother Ashby wrote:
> However I've been thinking. If I did want to stage a boycott, how
> would I know who to stay away from? I mean, in this country you're
> not required to put a sign up at the door indicating your religious
> affiliation - it's optional, of course, kosher businesses seem to
> find it a useful marketing ploy to advertise themselves as such, but
> nobody makes them and you just sort of assume that the proprietors
> are Jewsh and you can stay away if you're boycotting Jewish
> businesses at the moment.
My maternal grandmother claimed that all the pork stores in NYC were
Jewish-owned. I doubt that; but some were.
I believe there are Turks and Arabs selling Greek food in Minneapolis.
Last year (if I remember right), someone on fr.rec.cuisine advocated a
boycott against maple syrup to send the US a message.
Dan Goodman
All political parties die at last of swallowing their own lies.
John Arbuthnot (1667-1735), Scottish writer, physician.
Clutterers Anonymous unofficial community
Predictions and Politics