Dave Smith wrote:
> " wrote:
> >
> > > I am just doing my bit to make the Moslem boycott of Denmark counter
> > > productive. I got some Faxe beer the other day and today I bought some Danish
> > > blue cheese and some Danish Havarti. It's got nothing to do with Bush. I am not
> > > American and I am not Christian. I owe a personal debt of gratitude to a lot of
> > > Danes, and as long as Moslems are boycotting Denmark over some silly cartoons I
> > > am going to be boycotting Moslem run businesses.
> >
> > I hope that you are dilgently boycotting USA businesses until they pay
> > up on the softwood lumber case too. Just so you're consistant 
> > John Kane, Kingston ON Canada
> I would be lying if I didn't admit that was a factor in a lot of my shopping. I was
> in the grocery store yesterday and say pears from the US and pears from SA, so I got
> the SA pears. Apples were from US or Canada, and I always give preference to home
> grown.
> Thanks to the French nuclear tests in the Pacific and French market retaliation
> against NZ for imprisoning two French agents for bombing of the Rainbow Warrior and
> related deaths of two NZers I am reluctant to buy any French goods.
> However, that is a personal boycott. I am not burning down embassies or pushing for an
> organized boycott.
> In this case there is a culture that espouses ideals counter to our own that is using
> a violation of their personal religious beliefs to incite people to riot and trying to
> economically cripple an entire country because of the actions of a handful of
> people. I know which side my bread is buttered on.
What culture? Islam is a world-wide religion with various sects in the
same way that Christianity is. Sunni, Shia , Ismaili, Druse- I must
be missing a few here
Are you saying that a third-generation Canadian from Toronto, an
illiterate fundamentalist from Afganistan and the Aga Khan all share
some kind of monolithic culture? Or that Irshad Manji (This may be
more of an Ontario reference (1)) and Osama bin Ladin have very much in
This is a bit like saying Mother Theresa and Pat Robertson have a lot
in common. Well, they may both be brain-dead but at least Mother
Theresa has an excuse.
John Kane, Kingston ON Canada
1. Irshad Manji