Dave Smith wrote:
> " wrote:
> > >
> > > Why would such a boycott be a sign of bigotry? The boycott is not based
> > > on Muslims' religious practice, but their violent reaction to cartoons
> > > and their Danish boycott. If Muslims are free to boycott products from
> > > Denmark, it seems only fair that others be free to boycott Muslim
> > > products.
> >
> > Well the first question might be "Are Canadians boycotting Danish
> > products?" If not then all Dave Smith is doing is boycotting a fellow
> > citizen because he dislikes the behaviour of that fellow-citizen's
> > "possible co-religionists" in another country.
> He has the opportunity to demonstrate his allegiance. If he has Danish
> products prominently displayed or some other sign of support of Denmark, or a
> prominent repudiation of the Islamic boycott of Danish foods I will consider
> patronizing the business. Otherwise, I will feel free to associate him with
> the other side of the boycott.
Why? I have not been looking all that closely but I have not seen any
prominent displays of Danish goods here. How many stores in your
community do? He probably is more concerned about normal business than
about a boycot in some country, say in the Middle East thathe only
knows about from the 6:00 news.
> Bear in mind that it was Muslims who called for the boycott of Danish goods.
So what? Do you always do what the Pope or Billy Graham commands? Or
the Queen as head of the Church of England. There are about 1 billion
muslims the world. Some of the nuttier ones are acting crazy.
Of course by your approach I should not deal with any business owned by
a Christian since I dispise some of the US fundamentalists. Damn I'm
going to feel silly asking every store clerk if the boss goes to church
on Sunday and then having to leave the store if they do.
And I really dislike some of the Israeli policies so I guess that means
I cannot go to Dunn's the next time I'm in Montreal.

Maybe if I can
find a non-kosher source of bagels I could compromise?
> There are a lot of small stores here run by Muslims. Economic boycotts are a
> two way street. They can backfire on the people who call them.
And you are sure that your local gas station owner was one of the
immans who called for this boycott? He has a burning Danish flag in
the window, perhaps?
How likely is it that a local business man in Canada was a prime mover
in a boycott started by some Danish religious leaders propagandizing in
the Middle East?
What exactly is his opinion of the boycott? Have you asked him?
John Kane, Kingston ON Canada