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jake jake is offline
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Posts: 303
Default Bare foot Contessa Recipes

sf wrote:

> On Sat, 18 Feb 2006 23:05:17 -0500, Dee Randall wrote:
>> Do you mean looking at her "neckline" where she swallows, or a little lower
>> down? heh heh!

> Think about where male eyes wander - especially when the neckline
> plunges as it does on her most of her ensembles. Just do a google
> image search for Giada De Laurentiis to see what I mean.

I googled her to find out why there were comments about her not eating.
I couldn't tell which were the most recent pics, but she is definitely

Then I accidentally also found out what Alton Brown looks like. He looks
like an incredibly pleasant person to be around.(I had only heard of him
in this ng). It's amazing how likable some people can be to one, even
when you know nothing about them.