What do you make when you don't feel like eating?
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A.T. Hagan
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What do you make when you don't feel like eating?
On 03 Oct 2003 23:58:18 GMT,
(PENMART01) wrote:
(William Hughes)
>>I always have single wrapped hot dogs in the freezer and small cans of
>>baked beans in the pantry. Slice a hot dog mix with the beans and nuke
>But, but the subject is "What do you make when you don't feel like eating?".../
>so why are you fixing to eat??? DUH!
>Gee, from the responses to this thread it's not only the friggin' webtv'ers who
>are functionally illiterate dumb *******s
No, there's also a certain percentage of AOL users that fall under
that definition.
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