Bobby Flay Does Brisket
And gets it wrong, wrong, wrongity wrong.
1. "Once the lump charcoal is ashed over and gray, it's ready to use."
2. "The water in the pan [of a WSM] will help keep the meat moist."
3. "You need to mop the brisket every 30 minutes."
4. "BBQ is all about long, slow cooks." He left what appeared to be a
10-12 pound brisket on the cooker for . . . wait for it . . . a whole
five hours.
5. When he pronounced the brisket done, he lifted it up and out of the
cooker with a long-handled fork, then carried it 30 feet to the table,
dangling from the end of the fork. If I tried that with my brisket,
I'd never get it lifted out of the smoker. If I did, I would
immediately be my dog's new best friend before I made it 30 feet to
the table.