Where to buy MSG
iarwain wrote:
> I recently wanted to try a recipe containing MSG, but I was unable to
> find it in any local grocery store. I then looked online and was
> unable to find a source either. Have they stopped making it?
Not to my knowledge. Last I heard they made more than 1 million tons
of it per year. Look for Ajinomoto or Accent in your grocery store.
It's usually shelved with or near the spices. Sometimes near the
baking supplies. Full name is monosodium glutamate.
> I know
> some people have reported harmful reactions to it, although I remember
> my mother using it on occasion and we never had any trouble with it.
> Is there an online source for it anywhere or has the FDA banned it
> entirely?
It's not only not banned but there is no maximum daily intake set for
it by the FDA or the major international health organizations. A small
percentage of people have a sort of allergic reaction (not really an
allergy, I think, but it behaves like that) to it. If you and your
family don't, then don't worry about it. If you were allergic you'd
also have to keep track of a couple dozen very commonly used foods and
additives that contain it. -aem