aem wrote:
> jake wrote:
>>Harriet Neal wrote:
>>>>It is NOT unhealthy, glutamtes are natural. you can find them in stocks,
>>>>for instance. I believe that whole thing about Chinese restaurants and
>>>>feeling sick turned out to have been caused by something other than MSG.
>>>yeah, look out for the "B" or "C" rating card in the window..
>>>Harriet & critters
>>I am sorry, I don't know what that means?
> Sarcasm referring to getting sick from dirty kitchens. Many localities
> in the U.S. have inspectors who check for cleanliness in restaurants.
> They check kitchens and serving areas and storage areas, score them
> against predetermined criteria and arrive at a rating. Here in L.A. an
> A rating is best, B says they can remain open but need to fix some
> things, and I think C causes at least a brief shutdown and cleanup.
> Not sure about that.
Thank you for the explanation. Here, we only have open or closed.
Although there must be companies that get warnings, too, but the
warnings are not made public.
Anything other then A would be baaaad for business, I would think. I am
surprised it actually exists. If that were my business, the A would be a
top priority,
> Interestingly, there have been cultural clashes in this regard, as some
> traditional Chinese practices don't meet local standards. Most
> notably, hanging roasted ducks in the open at room temperature is
> deemed to be unhealthful. Chinese restaurateurs and deli operators
> countered that they'd been doing it that way for hundreds of years
> without a lot of people keeling over. Politicians get involved.
> Some folks on either side get outraged. Other folks find it
> entertaining political theater. Compromises are reached. -aem
I see Peking duck at room temp here, too. I wonder what the law says
about that. But no deaths gave been reported. Maybe MSG works as a