Talking about Vietnamese tea - the history (part1)
Vietnam is on of the largetst and oldest tea producing countries in the
world. In some research document, the tea trees found along Vietnam's
northern border with China contain the oldest genetiic structure known
to exist. This is indication that the inhabitants of what is today,
Vietnam may have been the first to taste one of the world's most
popular beverages.
Vietnamese have been growing tea for over 2000 year, but this fact has
not been recorded as well as Chinese or Japanese. So, many people think
that Vietnamese Tea is just history of few hundred years ago. But if
you know some popular songs of VIetnamese, you will find many relations
with tea. It appeared for thousand years.
Many Vietnamese people use tea everyday, for past and present. Most the
famous people in history like tea as one of most favourite tastes. For
example: Nguyen Du (Originer of Truyen Kieu - well know novel by
poetry), Nguyen Trai - a famous man of Le Dynasty (14th Century), in
Unesco Famous People Document, write about his hobbies: tea , poetry
and moon.
Not only using in normal meetings, tea is also used calm down an angry
friend: Vietnamese people engaged in heated quarrels are offered a cup
of tea by their friends to help dilute their anger.
To be continued: Types of tea in Vietnam
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