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John Gaughan
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Default The Oleo Wars

ben wrote:
> I get the feeling that a lot of people are going to have heart
> attacks over worry about transfat now even though they never thought
> about it until now and have been healthy until now too.

I am fairly healthy despite ignorantly eating trans fats most of my
life. I am also 25. Problems will not surface for at least another 10-20

Also, there was very little research about the harmful effects of
transfats until recently. It is not just a crusade low-carbers are on,
even the traditional low-fat camp, including the FDA, says that
trans-fats are bad.

According to the FDA, trans-fats should be kept to an absolute minimum,
if not completely removed from our diets. I think in 2005 the new
regulations take effect requiring nutrition labels to break fats down
into total, saturated, and trans. Companies using trans-fats are
starting to go apeshit about removing them from their products, because
nobody wants to look bad when the new labeling requirements take effect.

I wish the FDA would make manufacturers break down protein and
carbohydrates further too.

John Gaughan