(Sorry for bottom-quoting, that seems to be the style these days,
correct me if I'm wrong...)
Alton Brown did a wicked show on oatmeal that was run on Food Network
(US) not too far back.
Available he
1 cup steel cut oats
1 cup dried cranberries
1 cup dried figs
4 cups water
1/2 cup half-and-half
In a slow cooker, combine all ingredients and set to low heat. Cover
and let cook for 8 to 9 hours.
Stir and remove to serving bowls. This method works best if started
before you go to bed. This way your oatmeal will be finished by
Alton Brown rules my kitchen. I have both his cooking and baking
books. I recommend them highly.
modom wrote:
> Anybody out there ever cook old fashioned oats in a slow cooker?
> Results? Recipes? Anecdotes?
> D wants me to ask.
> modom