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Old Mother Ashby Old Mother Ashby is offline
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Default Take this Freedom Fries: Iran Renames Danish Pastries

Ranee Mueller wrote:

>In article >,
> Dave Smith > wrote:
>>I see. Their solicitation of cartoons to explore the nature of self
>>censorship is a thin disguise for racism and hate, but the racist and
>>violent reaction is...... ?????? Son of a gun, they elicited the racism
>>and hatred of that culture.

> The most obvious connection, and the one most people aren't writing
>about is that this bruhaha began, what, five months after the fact, so
>the question should be why. The UN is putting Denmark in a place to
>have oversight over things like nuclear weapons and who stands to gain
>if they are discredited?
> Regards,
> Ranee
>Remove do not & spam to e-mail me.
>"She seeks wool and flax, and works with willing hands." Prov 31:13

Quite so. Where has there been the most violent reaction? Iran, a
country where you can be imprisoned for merely expressing an opinion
that is not government approved. You can find loutish young men willing
to riot anywhere, but normally the authorities don't encourage them,
they jail them (after the police have given them a kicking). The Iranian
government has something to gain from all the fuss, don't they?

Indonesia is the largest Moslem nation on earth, but there have been no
reports of any trouble at all. Indonesia has been through unsettling
times since Soeharto was deposed, and there has been a growth of Saudi
funded religious extremist groups who have committed some terrible
atrocities. The Indonesian government has no interest in fomenting
unrest, neither do the Malaysians, a thoroughly authoritarian lot. Many
of their citizens may be offended by the idea of the cartoons, but
that's as far as it goes.

Nobody has mentioned the worst part of the Iranian reaction to the
cartoons. One of their newspapers has announced a retaliatory
competition for cartoons about - wait for it - the Holocaust. So, upset
by the officially Lutheran Danes, the Iranians decide to go in for a
spot of anti-semitism. You know what they say: if something is wrong,
it's the fault of either the cyclists or the Jews.

Who is neither a cyclist nor Jewish