Funny Restaurant Bill
Dee Randall wrote:
> "Ken" > wrote in message
> > Everybody,
> >
> > The food was actually pretty good, but there's no excuse for the
> > quality, or lack of quality, of the service. The tickets were my
> > friend's season tickets, and were up the stairs to the balcony, and the
> > first set of seats on the railing.
> >
> > Ken
> Are you saying it was a symphony dinner -- sort of like the dinner shows in
> Las Vegas or Tahoe-- but a more cerebrial level?
> I can't get this scene in my mind -- never heard of this before. Help me
> out (but only if you please.)
> Dee Dee
Dee Dee,
No, we ate dinner about a half block from the theater, then went to the
symphony. Somebody replied, and rightly so, that it was rude to the
others at the performance to come in late. I was just saying that the
seats were right by the stairs, so we didn't have to bother anyone even
if we were late. (I was the one who wanted to leave and eat somewhere
else so we'd be on time.)