Funny Restaurant Bill
Nancy Young wrote:
> "Ken" > wrote
> > symphony. Somebody replied, and rightly so, that it was rude to the
> > others at the performance to come in late. I was just saying that the
> > seats were right by the stairs, so we didn't have to bother anyone even
> > if we were late. (I was the one who wanted to leave and eat somewhere
> > else so we'd be on time.)
> Ken, you had made it clear it wasn't your idea, I was talking
> about your friend's cavalier attitude, hey they don't lock the door
> we'll just walk in when we feel like it ... that's how it came across to
> me. But not you, you said to be on time.
> nancy
The friend who said it appreciates live performances. I too was a
little shocked by what she said.