Thread: Is this true?
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Maxine in RI
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Default Is this true?

On 3 Oct 2003 14:11:59 -0700, (Vince
Poroke) spake:

|I found this while I was looking for something else.
|"Wash chicken thoroughly in cold water, Place the chicken in a bowl with
|enough cold water to cover the chicken to which 2 or 3 Tablespoons of
|baking soda have been added."Gets the barnyard (taste) out."
|"Freshens the chicken." "
|I have never done this but I don't know if there would be a disernable differenece.
|"Place chicken again in a baking dish or bowl. Cover it with enough water
|to cover the chicken and to which 3 or 4 teaspoons of table salt and 1/4
|cup of granulated sugar have been added. Reasons: The salt helps remove
|any blood still remaining in the chicken and also seasons it.?
|To me this would be a weak brine but my question here is, why remove the blood?

The baking soda trick can be used if your chicken smells a
little off. If after rinsing the chicken off after the baking
soda soak, it still smells off, it's a loss.

Kashering a chicken would be to just cover it with salt and
allow it to drain for a while. the addition of sugar makes me
think that it's a sort of marinade or brine.

maxine in ri