"Goro" > wrote in message
> Dee Randall wrote:
>> I had always thought that graham crackers were so named because of the
>> type
>> of flour, but the flour is so named after Sylvester Graham. Learning
>> something new everyday from food network.
> Wiki is your friend.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graham_Cracker
> What i recall was taht Graham thought that carnal urges came from oral
> fixations and that eating these crackers would reduce those. Also,
> IIRC, Kellogg belived this also and that's why he invetened corn
> flakes.
Leave it to Wikipedia to sensationalize. If you click on the "Graham Diet"
at the bottom of theWikipedia page, it mentions masturbation but no diet,
per se. I've read about Kellogg -- I think there is even a movie (comedy?)
I saw about Kellogg, but somehow I missed the Graham connection.
Wikipedia is wonderful in a lot of ways, but it leaves a lot to be desired
in some of their snyopses.
Their genealogy of English royalty is absolutely astounding.
Thanks for you interest.
Dee Dee