Take this Freedom Fries: Iran Renames Danish Pastries
" wrote:
> Who benefits from the distraction caused by the cartoon intifada? Which
> countries housed the first embassies to be torched? The answer to those
> quesitons nowithstanding, Jyllands-Posten unquestionably had a right to
> publish the cartoons. Unquesitonably, Muslims have a right to be
> outraged. Should J-P had published? Should Muslims have torched
> embassies and placed bounties on cartoonists' heads? Not all rights
> need to be exercised.
People can be outraged without going on violent rampages.
I think that most of us are probably more outraged at the reaction than we
are to the blasphemy that led to it, but you don't see us rioting, looting
and setting fire to buildings.