Check bottom of cart!
I drink seltzer by the bucket, I buy 12 packs, I can
usually handle 4 at a time. I put three on the bottom
of the cart and keep one up top to scan. I just say,
I have 4 of these and they deal with it.
Twice over all this time, the cashier has alarmedly said,
Do you have something on the bottom of your cart???
Yes, three more of these. Oh, whew, and I'll see this
light flashing right near the edge closest to the cart.
Check cart bottom! Check cart bottom!, something like
Two questions come up, why does it only rarely notice I
have stuff down there and how the heck can it tell? With all
the legs and carts going by, a detector would be going off all
the time.
Perhaps the eye in the sky is spying on the customers?
nancy the nosy