Reliable baking stone for home use
On Fri, 3 Oct 2003 15:42:18 -0500
"Heavyarms" <jentry tee (at) pee-puhl pee see (dot) com> wrote:
> "drei" > wrote in message
> om...
> > Hi,
> >
> > I bake sourdough bread and pizza on a pizza stone in my home oven.
> > Recently, I bought a 1/2-inch round stone from a local store, but it
> > cracked after just a few months. Although my store replaced it, I
> > am now looking for a sturdier stone. I want something that I know
> > will last a very long time without needing to be replaced, and am
> > especially interested in products that are safe to use with a steam
> > pan.
> >
> > Does anyone have any suggestions? I've searched Usenet archives and
> > facts going back several years, and I can't find a clear answer to
> > this specific question.
> >
> > Thanks very much in advance.
> I just went to Home Depot and got a slab of soap stone. Just set it
> on the bottom rack of your oven, you never have to take it out.
That ought to work. What are the dimensions? what'd it cost you?