Originally Posted by Mike Petro
Space Cowboy wrote:
Those are typical aged prices you see on the Chinese auction site
Jim, I can assure you that even in China you will not get a 50 year
old bingcha for $200. If someone offers you one at that price they are
ripping you off somehow. I am extremely confident of this fact.
Auction sites are the least trustworthy place to buy antique puerh
anyway. Remember the compressed block of red tea you found on TaoBao
that was being passed off as a 1950s puerh! Scams like this are common
on the auction sites and they are often much more subtle than this and
harder to detect.
The only way to buy aged puerh, should you so desire, is to buy it from
someone you know and trust, OR to taste the actual tea you buying
BEFORE you buy it, assuming you have a taste memory of other authentic
aged puerhs.
Also dont forget that aged cooked puerh will seldom develop much more
maturity after 7-10 years, so paying extra for 20 -30 year old Shu Pu
has little return on the investment. It is only the Sheng Pu or raw
puerh that *continues* to develop and mature after 20-30 years. I have
30 year old samples of both Shu and Sheng and I can say that only the
Sheng is worth the premium.
Dear Mike,
Well spoken on that comment. Actually I was just wodering is you are are Chinese as you guys are speaking so in to Tea. Would love to meet one day with you all and share with you my collection of tea.
I am also amase that as you all are using the chinese words, do you all know what it means? if you all do, you can understand even deeper what is it being called such a way. or the code like 7542 or 8582 or 7532....
Happy Drinking