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Default Roast Chicken with Lemon- Marcella Hazan, revisited

cathyxyz wrote:
> Christine, I don't think that 1hr 55 minutes is too much for a 2.5kg
> chicken. (Thats quite a big bird). This is why: My Mom's rule of thumb
> for roast chicken is approx half an hour for every 500g of chicken
> (which is cooked at 180 Deg C). I have been following that advice for
> years and the chicken always comes out great. Last one I did weighed in
> at 1.3kg and it took just under one and half hours. JMHO.
> --
> Cheers
> Cathy(xyz)

I guess she thinks I'm lying or something. Everyone's ovens are
different. It doesn't surprise me that it took 1:50 minutes to cook
that big of a bird when the original recipe called for a bird that was
roughly half the size and cooked it 25-30 minutes less... <shrug> Plus,
I would much rather err on the side of a little over-cooked than any
amount of under-cooked (that wasn't the case here though - it came out

As it was, it was gorgeous and tased wonderful- probably the most
succlent chicken I have ever had. Like I said, I thank her (and
others) for passing on the recipe, and will make it many times in the
future. We ate leftovers tonight and the rest will be chicken
quesadillas tomorrow.
