Check bottom of cart!
Nancy Young wrote:
> I drink seltzer by the bucket, I buy 12 packs, I can
> usually handle 4 at a time. I put three on the bottom
> of the cart and keep one up top to scan. I just say,
> I have 4 of these and they deal with it.
> Twice over all this time, the cashier has alarmedly said,
> Do you have something on the bottom of your cart???
> Yes, three more of these. Oh, whew, and I'll see this
> light flashing right near the edge closest to the cart.
> Check cart bottom! Check cart bottom!, something like
> that.
> Two questions come up, why does it only rarely notice I
> have stuff down there and how the heck can it tell? With all
> the legs and carts going by, a detector would be going off all
> the time.
> Perhaps the eye in the sky is spying on the customers?
> nancy the nosy
There must be sensors on the product. Our Sobeys cashiers have to
pass meat packages over a de-activator so we don't set off alarms when
we leave the store. Also, I was leaving the parking lot of a new No
Frills store the other day and there was a sign that said their shopping
carts lock if you try to take them from the perimeter of the parking