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Ranee Mueller Ranee Mueller is offline
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Posts: 473
Default Take this Freedom Fries: Iran Renames Danish Pastries

In article .com>,

> But are you outraged that J-P published cartoons intended to incite
> Muslims?

I thouhgt it was in incredibly poor taste, but not any more poor
taste than those kinds of things made about Jesus Christ in the western
press, and certainly much more tame than what is done in "cartoons" in
the middle east about Jews and Israel. One of the costs of freedom of
the press is blasphemy. I don't approve of blaspheming, and I reserve
the right not to purchase from or patronize a company that offends me,
even to start a letter campaign or help publicize their policies, but
the government shouldn't limit the press, no matter how idiotic or
vitriolic it is.


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"She seeks wool and flax, and works with willing hands." Prov 31:13