Old fashioned Upside-Down cake....gorgeous!
On Wed 22 Feb 2006 03:01:46p, Thus Spake Zarathustra, or was it Jude?
> I had the oven on to bake cornbread (for Wayne's Tomato Dressing
> recipe) and decided, once again, that it was time for a good dessert.
> Pulled out my 1960 Betty Crocker and made a good, old-fashioned Apricot
> Pecan Upside Down Cake. Just the way my mom did - in the cast iron
> skillet. Swapped 1/3 of the cup of flour for whole-wheat, though. Add a
> little fiber.
> It was fun making the apricot and pecan and marischino cherry halves
> all fit nicely into a pretty pattern in the skillet! It smelled
> INCREDIBLE while it baked, and came out of the pan perfectly onto the
> platter. Most of the syrup from the pan dripped over the cake and the
> top is beautifully glazed with carmelly goodness!
> Of course I managed not to let all of it drip, so me and my spatula got
> to work on the inside of the skillet for a little flavor preview. Oh,
> so good!
> Wish I was hi-tech enough to have a camera and I'd take a pic for you
> all.
> Hope it tastes as good as it looks!
Oh, that sound's delicious! I'd have never thought of apricot and pecan.
I have a good pineapple upside-down cake recipe. I could probably just
substitute with the apricot and pecan. Another favorite of mine is
pear/gingerbread upside-down cake.
So, you maded the tomato dressing? How did it turn out for you?
Like/dislike? It's a family favorite of ours.
Wayne Boatwright տլ
Okay, okay, I take it back! UnScrew you!