In article <pz4Lf.3865$z82.1710@fed1read07>, "Nexis" >
> Brother Donnie is home and doing well. He wasn't released when he was
> supposed to be, because part of his heart wall was inflamed and they wanted
> to make sure it wasn't an infection (it wasn't, thank God). They also had to
> slow down his pacemaker a bit. He's going to be recovering for a couple
> months, but it looks as if it was all a success, which is wonderful.
> With him doing so well, Mom and I decided to surprise my aunts and uncles in
> Wisconsin with a quick visit before our flight home. Timing is everything,
> right? The morning of the day we called my aunt Margaret, my Uncle Floyd had
> had a stroke. Thankfully, it was what the doctors referred to as a "warning
> stroke", and he is recovering well. His carotid (sp?) artery was the issue,
> being 98% blocked, so he's very lucky that it wasn't a major stroke, and
> there seems to be no permanent damage.
> So I'm feeling very lucky and very thankful right about now.
> kimberly
Ye gods and garterbelts! I was thinking about you about an hour ago.
Glad Donnie's doing well and glad you're home safe and sound.
--, updated 2-19-2006, Yummy! and church review. :-)