How "Ribeye's" are Marketed
Steve Wertz wrote:
>A "Rib Eye" is a rib steak from the small end of the [prime] rib
>roast, rib #'s 10-12.
>A "Rib Steak" is a rib steak from the large end of the [prime] rib
>roast, rib #'s 6-9.
>But in the grocery stores (especially when they're on sale), I see
>rib steaks labeled as ribeye's that clearly came from every part
>of the rib roast, small and large.
>Today I went to a "real" butcher, so "real" that the health
>department requires that the meat be handled only in a dedicated
>room not accessible to the public (something about because they
>also do wholesole). They can't display the meat in the same room
>as the customers. You can watch them work through a window,
>You place your order with the "receptionist" in the waiting room:
>specify type of animal, cut, grade, thickness, etc... They
>forward the order to the cutters and maybe 10 minutes later
>(depending on how busy they are), you get your meat all wrapped up
>with your bill and pay the receptionist.
>I ordered two Choice "ribeyes" 1.5" thick ($14/lb). When I got
>home I noticed these were from the large end as opposed to the
>small end, which really got me mad as I always insist on the small
>ends. Usually I'd be able to point and choose , but that's not
>possible at this place. These being professional meat guys, I
>figured I wouldn't need to be redundant and specify "ribeye, from
>the small end".
>Are meat purveyors required to abide by the USDA established terms
>"ribeye" and "rib steak"? I couldn't find anything obvious on the
>USDA website. The Guide to Meat Cuts will probably back up my
>impression of these two different cuts, but are they required to
>market using these terms?
Fascinating. I'll have to print it off and show it to the butcher. They're all "rib eye" here, no idea which end of the beast is used.
Don't think I know of an establishment where the meat is kept away from the customers in a retail setting, must be an American thing. I know a poultry place like that, duck and game actually, but they are basically wholesalers who supply to the trade and retail customers are more of a sideline.