Protein grams and portion control??? Pastorio?
In article >,
"Dee Randall" > wrote:
> >
> > Today I went in for fasting bloodwork. I didn't get the Hemoglobin A1C
> > test as you suggested, rather just a glucose test.
> >
> > I was pretty ****ed off about that. I said "but it's a more accurate
> > test."
> >
> > They took an extra tube of blood and told me to call my doc. Well... I
> > called and he said there's no sign of high glucose levels (from last
> > year) AND he had the nerve to say that it's expensive (as if that was
> > more of his concern).
> >
> > I just said fine and they hung up on me. Penn Care Assoc draws the lines
> > at this clinic and I'm damned fuming about it.
> >
> > Am I wrong in my anger?
> >
> > Andy
> HELL NO!!!
> When I in a counseling group for an ailment, a guest doctor there advocated
> not getting certain blood tests on cancer patients because that money could
> be saved to vaccinate the world's children. I kid you not! What did he
> think a patient was going to do: 1) get the price of the test and write a
> check for that amount to some nation that was vaccinating children. Maybe
> the patient was already doing that, etc. etc. etc.
> There are certain doctors who have their priorities confused; and are just
> plain nuts!
> Dee Dee
Believe it or not, some docs don't want to order tests that they don't
know how to interpret... They are too busy to do the research. :-P
Doctors as individuals cannot know everything! There is too much. That
is what medical libraries are for, and why Medline on the 'net is such a
valuable resource!
It is important to me that a doctor ADMIT they are not sure of
something, but they know who to ask. <G> My endocrinologist was not sure
about my problem with a chronic low magnesium level, so she spoke with
another internest that did know, then got back to me. She was also not
sure which form of Magnesium was the most effective supplement, so
again, she spoke with another doctor that did know, and got back to me.
Now THAT is a doctor!
I'm blessed...
Peace, Om.
"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson