Protein grams and portion control??? Pastorio?
In article >,
"Dee Randall" > wrote:
> At my doctor's last visit, regarding two different tests in the same day -
> he had his nurse call me and tell me to take calcium (Dexascan - osteopenia)
> and on the other test results, he had her call me and tell me to stop
> calcium altogether. When I questioned this with some other nurse who called
> to see what the trouble was with my thinking, I never got a return call when
> she said she would look into it. There have been other things along these
> lines, too. Time to look for ANOTHER doctor.
> I say, Bullshit, too.
> Dee Dee
<lol> Sounds like someone too busy to correlate results...
Why did they want you to stop taking Calcium?
And for the record, Calcium by itself is not really utilized properly
Short story he
When I first started weight lifting and eating a high protein diet
wayyyyy back when when I was about 30, I started developing leg cramps.
Not just ANY leg cramps, but Quadricep cramping that would wake me up at
2 am and have me nearly passing out with the pain. :-( I have a very
high pain tolerance but this was about a 12 on a scale of 1 to 10!
Turns out that eating more protein tends to cause the kidneys to dump
more calcium, so you need a higher supplementation rate. One good reason
to eat yogurt and cottage cheese. <G>
Anyhoo, I tried 4 different types of calcium supplements over time with
varying results, but none of them were adequate for stopping those early
morning episodes of sheer hell. :-(
I spoke with one of or ER docs about it, (one that I knew had a side
practice of "complementary medicine" where he used nutritional and
herbal therapies in combination with standard medical practices).
He told me that the problem was that I was taking CALCIUM, by itself!!!
He said that calcium works together in balance with Magnesium and
Phosphorous to keep blood levels stable.
I'd forgotten about the importance of mineral balance in infant bird
feeding that I'd learned from doing wildlife rescue... The metabolic
rate of baby birds is so high that the mineral balance is critical, and
vitamin D must also be supplemented, more so in the insect eaters like
Mockingbirds...... I lost a baby mockingbird to ricketts before I
learned that. <sigh>
Anyhoo, I started taking a balanced Cal/Mag/Phos multimineral with 1,000
mg. of calcium in it, and have not had any muscle cramps since!
I know that was long, sorry, but it still ****es me off royally that
most doctors keep stuffing calcium pills down women, and they really
don't do a hell of a lot of good.....
Peace, Om.
"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson