Dinner -- a picture, yet again and a dog's tale
jmcquown wrote:
|| Sheldon wrote:
||| Why isn't your pool fenced. Sheesh!
|| Most people fence their *yard* (by law) to keep kids from wandering
into a
|| pool, but they don't fence their pool within their fenced in yard.
|| I'm wondering why the pool wasn't drained and covered for the
winter. I
|| thought most folks did that even in mild climates.
|| Jill
Don't know about other places, but around here (central Florida) the
water table can be so high that a drained pool can try to float out of
the ground and crack. If we need to drain for any kind of maintenance
or repair, we have to keep the pumps going to locally (and
temporarily) lower the water table with lots of permits and
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