favorite vegetable soup veggies?
> >>>>Tara, is your name an "India" name? I just got thru watching a film and
> >>>>the
> >>>>person's name was Tara.
> >>>
> >>>I'm named after Tara in Gone With the Wind. What movie did you see?
> >>>
> >>>Tara
> >>
> >>
> >> I know this will not be funny, but its how minds can play tricks. I
> >> bought this movie and had it around for a long, long time before I
> >> watched it the other night. I had been referring to this movie as "Tara,
> >> queen of the Elephants." Here is an excerpt I just found stating that the
> >> elephant keeper's name was Parbati, not Tara. "Author Mark Shand and
> >> Parbati Barua (a Rajah's daughter and elephant driver) make a 300-mile
> >> journey by elephant through the forests of India."
> >>
> >> I confused her name with a famous elephant named Tara. Oh, my.
> >> Sorry, Tara.
> >> What a case I am.
> >> Dee Dee
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> > Tara in Sanskrit means "Star", it is a common girl's name in India. There
> > is also a female boddhisattava Tara - the Goddess of compassion in
> > Buddhism, it is a Tibetan name too. So, Dee Dee, you were not way off in
> > assuming it could be an Indian name.
> >
> > What does "Tara" mean in the western context?
> >
> > - Kamala.
> Perhaps Tar in the context of Gone with the Wind is a *******ization of word
> terra, or land-earth. Wasn't their land called, Tara?
> Here I go again - spouting off.
> Dee Dee
The plantation was called Tara after the family land in
Ireland...Sharon who has seen Gone With The Wind 9 times....