Mario Batali, is he on amphetamine?
"-L." > wrote in message
> Doug Kanter wrote:
>> > Emeril is the one on amphetamine, because he can't hold still in the
>> > same
>> > spot for more that 3 seconds. Mario is on valium compared to Emeril!!!
>> Emeril can't cook? Hmm. OK.
> I think Emeril is one of the worst chefs on TV. Almost everything he
> makes looks/sounds gross to me and he uses *far* too much salt in
> everything. Why the guy continues to be popular, I will never
> understand...AFAIC he's at the bottom of the pile with Sandra Lee or
> whatever her name is.
> -L.
Popular, I think, as a balance to the rigidity of some other TV chefs.
Emeril's about as loose as WE need to be, in order to be flexible and make
do with what we have on hand.