Baking cakes in foil pans
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Bob (this one)
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,025
Baking cakes in foil pans
> ms. tonya wrote:
>>A person asked in another NG about baking butter cakes in foil pans to
>>take to her husband's office party so she wouldn't have to drag her good
>>pryex pans home.
>>I have never bake anything in these and am wondering how good they do
>>baking and be concern with burning because of the lightness of the pans.
>>Thank You
> Actually the foil reflects much of the heat away from the pan so cakes
> actually come out with a lighter crust.
Sorry. Foil reflects light, not heat. It's aluminum, same as pots and
pans. They aren't ever described as reflecting heat. Because they don't.
Nice shiny copper skillets don't reflect heat. Polished stainless,
sandwiched, bake sheets don't reflect heat. They can reflect a small
percentage of visible, radiant heat like from a glowing-element heater
situated in front of a highly polished reflective curved surface. But
that's not what's at work in an oven.
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Bob (this one)
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