A familiar name
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Dan Abel
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Posts: 7,545
A familiar name
In article >,
(Victor Sack) wrote:
> Melba's Jammin' > wrote:
> > "A few professors said they had rules for e-mail and told their students
> > how quickly they would respond, how messages should be drafted and what
> > types of messages they would answer.
> > Meg Worley, an assistant professor of English at Pomona College in
> > California, said she told students that they must say thank you after
> > receiving a professor's response to an e-mail message.
> > "One of the rules that I teach my students is, the less powerful person
> > always has to write back," Professor Worley said."
> > Go, Meg!
> She says she was misquoted.
> <>.
Didn't sound like Meg.
She was a student too recently to do this.
I think Email is great. It is just a tool, though, and isn't different
from anything before.
I've taught classes at this level, and it really doesn't matter whether
it is office hours or Email.
Dan Abel
Petaluma, California, USA
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