Thread: I am not alone
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Jude Jude is offline
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Default I am not alone

Rhonda Anderson wrote:
.. We used to have Fresca as well, which was a diet lemon
> flavoured soft drink. Ahhh, memories... I feel really old now! <g>
> --

My siuster's a TaB drinker. Can't stand anything else diet. When anyone
drives down to DC from my folks house in CT, they fill their trunk with
cases of the stuff.

I used to drink fresca, too. I believe the citrus flavor you are
remembering was grapefruit. And it only came / comes in Diet, although
it doesn't say the D-word anywhere on the can, just references to being
1 calorie. It's the only grapefruit soda that's ever been commercially
big, AFAIK. But Blue Sky Natural Sodas, out of Santa Fe NM, make a
killer grapfruit flavor.