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Mr Libido Incognito Mr Libido Incognito is offline
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Default Need 120-volt timer for my popcorn popper

Wayne Boatwright wrote on 27 Feb 2006 in

> On Mon 27 Feb 2006 12:00:56p, Thus Spake Zarathustra, or was it ?
> > My plug-in popcorn popper takes 3 minutes to make a batch
> > of popcorn, and when it's done, I have to turn it off manually.

> It must be very taxing to do this. A whopping 3 minutes out of your
> life.
> > I want to be able to plug the popper into a timer (which is itself
> > plugged into the wall) and set the timer to turn off the popper
> > after 3 minutes.
> >
> > It seems obvious to me that a timer like this exists, but I can't
> > find one so far on the Internet. Can any of you point me to such
> > a timer?


Now now Wayne...Perhaps he doesn't ever come near the popcorn maker so
while he's getting the pop corn into a bowl he can't just unplug
it...taking seconds.

Perhaps he just wants to turn on high heat possibly dangerous stuff
without monitoring it...He might just like the excitment of fires in the
