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limey limey is offline
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Default Visit

"Melba's Jammin'" wrote

> "limey" wrote:
>> So - she is "eating healthy". I'm having baked cut-up chicken with
>> some
>> light breading and seasoning, potatoes au gratin (OK??) and a large
>> salad.
>> I had my doubts about the potatoes, but they're good. I have fresh fruit
>> for dessert. How does that sound? DH has already made his run to the
>> market, so that's it in the shopping department.
>> Dora

> Sounds like dinner to me! Even if she weren't preggers.

It's a really special week. Not just her visit, but her brother gets home
from Iraq on Sunday after being debriefed at Camp Lejeune. What a relief -
he has been stationed in Baghdad, Ramahdi and Fallujah. Not exactly
peaceful spots. The kid's only 20 and has already lived a lifetime.
Anyway, he and his sister will only be reunited for a day before she takes
off for CA - he was delayed in getting his leave. We're thankful he's OK,
