Thread: food photos
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Roberta[_1_] Roberta[_1_] is offline
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Default food photos

jay wrote:
> 2 shots
> I'm practicing with a new camera.
> The halibut is panko crusted with a cilantro aioli and seared
> spinach and grape tomatoes. I should have trimed the lemon up nicer.
> Actually did this on Valentines day.
> The yellowfin tuna is seasoned with sea salt and cracked black pepper
> then pan seared on a bed of olive oil dressed field greens with some
> Nishiki rice and a splash of soy sauce. The red drizzlings are sriracha
> hot chili sauce. This dish took about 25 minutes total start to finish.

I like the second picture. The tuna looks like it is just right.
Something I would eat

I even enjoy the background goes well with the color of the fish.

It also seems like the light is balanced better in the second photo -
not so much of a glare on the white plate.

The first is a bit washed out - or bright - or something....

It also isn't something I would eat...not due to your cooking more
because the spinach doesn't sound good to me personally.

Roberta (in VA)