Vietnamese "jasmine" tea (new acquisition)
Lewis Perin > wrote:
(Scott Dorsey) writes:
>> [...]
>> A lot of Vietnamese teas seem to be sold as jasmine in the US, even
>> though they are clearly not. I have a can here from "New Japan
>> International" in LA that reads "Jasmine tea" in English, "Tra Sen
>> Co Do Hue" in Vietnamese, and has some Chinese characters. "Tra Sen
>> Co Do Hue" means "Hue style lotus tea," which it actually is. I
>> have not deciphered the Chinese but there is at least the character
>> for lotus in it.
>Have you tasted it? Is it good?
Oh, yes, of course.
>And what do they mean by "lotus tea"? Are there lotus blossom pieces
>in the can?
Yes. This is a traditional Vietnamese tea and you'll see it served all
over Vietnam, though it is not as popular as the Jasmine. I've been drinking
it for decades. It is very heavy stuff.
>Would you like to load and link to a photo of the Chinese characters?
I may be able to scan and e-mail as a pdf. Would you be okay with that?
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."