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Default Advice and Input from this group

Kajikit wrote:

> Dribrats saw Sally selling seashells by the seashore and told us all
> about it on 3 Oct 2003 21:14:53 -0700:
> >I have been lurking for a couple of weeks and have concluded that this
> >group would be ideal to gather some very diverse opinions.

> >In essence, what I am trying to do is put together a book of recipes
> >collected from generations of families and handed down to the children
> >with anecdotes reflecting the mealtime associated with that particular
> >recipe. In other words, do you remember a particular recipe or dish
> >that always reminds you of a particular family meal or event?

> >Would you be interested in contributing these ‘memories' and/or
> >reading about them in a cookbook/memoir?
> >
> >I look forward to any response/critique in this forum and if you would
> >like to contribute anything (duly acknowledged of course) feel free to
> >email direct to

> If you write them (and have any natural ability as a storyteller) then
> I'd be happy to read them and so would masses of other people... I
> personally enjoy 'cookbooks' with a lot of storytelling in them - if I
> want a recipe I can type its name into Google and find 500 variations,
> but I can't find the stories behind them that way... as for
> contributing them, no...
> (huggles)
> ~Karen AKA Kajikit

It kind of sounds like some of the stuff found in a series of books called
"Foxfire". One of them deals with cooking and folklore.


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