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Pandora Pandora is offline
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Default Pandora's Krapfen recipe [was:Krapfen?]

For thos interested, here is my recipe for Krapfen.

Pandora's KRAPFEN (recipe)

Category: cakes
Nb persons: 14

500 g strong flour - (I have used manitoba flour)
100g milk - (lukewarm)
3 eggs - (whole)
5 g dry yeast - (or 15 g fresh)
7g salt
70g sugar
100 g butter - softened a little
200 g mashed potatoes - weighted with skin
peanuts oil - for fying
custard - for stuffing

1) Boil potatoes with skin and then mush them; set aside.
2) In a food processor or in a dough machine, provided with special plastic
hook accessory, prepare a sort of Biga with 90 g. of flour, milk and yeast;
let it rise for about one hour.
3) After one hour add eggs, salt, sugar and 300 g of flour. Set the machine
going at medium speed till dough is well mixed. Then add mashed potatoes at
room temperature and the remaining 200 g of flour; add also butter (just
softened but not liquid) and set again the machine going using pulse button.
You will obtain a very soft and elastic dough, very diffiuclt to work; for
this reason, if your food processor doesn't turn, keep the dough away and
continue by hand with the help of a spatula. The important thing is you must
not add other flour. When the dough is homogeneous, you can let it rise in
the same machine or in a bowl (covered with a dishcloth) for about two hours
or more.
4) When the dough is risen, transfer it over a floured rolling board giving
it a round shape, then press a little with your hands and begin the "turn
technique": pull gently a border of the disk toward external and then fold
it toward the disk centre. Go on like this with the other 3-4 corners till
you finish the turn. Repeat this action a second time, then turn over the
dough, cover with a film (to avoid drying) and with an overturning salad
Let the dough rise for another hour.
5) Turn over the dough again, fold it in two and, with a rolling pin, level
it at about one centimeter thickness.
6) Using a glass of about 8 centimeters of diameter, cut the disks (knead
again scraps of dough) , cover with a film and let them rise for another
half an hour.
Fry them preferable in a wok filled with a lot of oil putting inside oil the
part of disk which was up.
Temperature of oil is very important: It must be not very hot; I would say
160°-170°. Because if the oil is very hot, your krapfen will burn out, while
inside it will remain raw. Fry your disk (about 5 minutes for side), few at
a time; you will see they rise a lot inside oil.
Dry over absorbent paper and spread with some sugar. Let them cool before
stuffing (using a sac a poche provided of a long mouth) with very hard

Nutritional facts per serving (daily value):
Calories 231kcal
Protein 6g (12%)
Total Fat 8g (12%)
Sat. 4g (21%)
Chol. 56mg (19%)
Carb. 34g (11%)
Fiber 1g (4%)
Sugars 6g
Calcium 23mg (2%)
Iron 2mg (10%)


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