Q: Beef doneness temp?
Andy wrote:
> Does every cut of beef cook to rare, medium-rare, etc., at the same
> internal temp,
Yes... temperature is absolute.
>not counting cooking time or cut thickness?
These are variables which have nothing to do with your question as
posed above.
> would a 1 inch thick NY Strip and a 3/4" flank steak and a 1" thick
> hamburger (certified non-ecoli?) all be medium-rare at 145 degrees internal
> temp?
Apples and oranges... preground meat must be fully cooked to 160ºF.
Meat you grind yourself that is cooked immediately after grinding may
be cooked rare, in fact may be eaten raw. Buying preground raw meat
should be a misdemeaner... selling preground raw meat should be a
felony... dealing in burgers should be a capital crime.... exhibiting
The Clown is child molestation, Ronald deserves lethal injection. I
honestly see no difference between Ronald McDonald and The Marlboro