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Food Snob Food Snob is offline
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Posts: 452
Default Q: Beef doneness temp?

Sheldon wrote:
> Andy wrote:
> > Does every cut of beef cook to rare, medium-rare, etc., at the same
> > internal temp,

> Yes... temperature is absolute.
> >not counting cooking time or cut thickness?

> These are variables which have nothing to do with your question as
> posed above.
> > would a 1 inch thick NY Strip and a 3/4" flank steak and a 1" thick
> > hamburger (certified non-ecoli?) all be medium-rare at 145 degrees internal
> > temp?

> Apples and oranges... preground meat must be fully cooked to 160ºF.
> Meat you grind yourself that is cooked immediately after grinding may
> be cooked rare, in fact may be eaten raw. Buying preground raw meat
> should be a misdemeaner... selling preground raw meat should be a
> felony... dealing in burgers should be a capital crime.... exhibiting
> The Clown is child molestation, Ronald deserves lethal injection. I
> honestly see no difference between Ronald McDonald and The Marlboro
> Man.

The same applies to every corporation that still purveys trans-fats.
You know, I have been eating raw beef for most of my life. I guess
maybe I'm just lucky, but I've never gotten sick from it. I've even
eaten grocery store ground beef raw zillions of times. I certainly
wouldn't recommend it to others, but I really do do it with no
noticable ill effects.
> Sheldon
