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wff_ng_7 wff_ng_7 is offline
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Posts: 743
Default Sauerkraut question

> wrote:
> I guess if I had gotten real sick, I'd have my answer, but I didn't.

If you died, you would have gotten your answer for sure. It would have also
confirmed the theory of natural selection.

I've only had this happen once in my 30 years of cooking, and it was very
strange. I opened one of those little 6 ounce cans of tomato paste. The
liquid shot a lot more than a foot out of the can. It hit the ceiling and
otherwise went all over the place. It was a tremendous mess to clean up. I'm
glad I didn't have any other food out that would have gotten sprayed... and
which I would have also thrown out for safety reasons.

I was a bit surprised, as the can showed no signs of damage or bulging.
Tomatoes are also an acid food, which are not so prone to these problems. I
suspect the can would have been bulging if it were a larger can. Because of
this small can's size, it was better able to contain the pressure. I think
all cans have about the same wall thickness.

( #wff_ng_7# at #verizon# period #net# )